2014年5月28日 星期三

[Seminar]Sensing Objects semantics for interactive Multimedia Application-鄭文皇教授

          今天的演講真的非常有趣,有別於以前幾乎都在講技術層面,這次多是在講如何應用,感覺起來輕鬆許多,也更貼近生活。這次主題是有關多媒體影像技術與生活上的結合,最有名的例子就是google glass,利用隨身攜帶的裝置讀取身邊影像,再即時辨識影像來原,像是所在的位置或是物品名稱。根據這些資料,他就能間接的告訴你附近有哪些資訊,像是景點、餐廳或是商店等等,讓我們不需要再打開手機搜尋,非常方便。另外,一張死死的照片或畫作,對我們來說,可能毫無趣味性,如果我們能像哈利波特一樣,讓照片自己訴說出他的故事,不是更生動也更直接嗎?他提到倫敦博物館最近出了一款App,能夠將博物館裡所收集到以前的街景照片,結合人們手機所拍到的街景,讓我們能直接體驗眼前的場景在以前所發生的點點滴滴,真是有趣極了。

2014年5月16日 星期五

Iaas、Paas、Saas model example

IaaS(Infrastructure as a service), as the name suggests, provides you the computing infrastructure, physical or (quite often) virtual machines and other resources like virtual-machine disk image library, block and file-based storage, firewalls, load balancers, IP addresses, virtual local area networks etc. Examples : Amazon EC2, Windows Azure, Rackspace, Google Compute Engine.
PaaS(Platform as a service), as the name suggests, provides you computing platforms which typically includes operating system, programming language execution environment, database, web server etc. Examples : AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Windows Azure, Heroku, Force.com, Google App Engine.
While in Saas(Software as a service) model you are provided with access to application softwares often referred to as on-demand softwares. You don't have to worry about the installation, setup and running of the application. Service provider will do that for you. You just have to pay and use it through some client. Examples : Google Apps, Microsoft Office 365.
Few additional points regarding your question :
1- AWS(Amazon web services) is a complete suite which involves a whole bunch of useful web services. Most popular are EC2 and S3 and they belong to IaaS service model.
2- Although Hadoop is based on previous works by Google(GFS and MapReduce), it is not from Google. It is an Apache project. You can find more here. It is just a distributed computing platform and does not fall into any of these service models, IMHO.
3- Microsoft's Windows Azure is again an example of IaaS.
As far as popularity of these services is concerned, they all are popular. It's just that which one fits into your requirements better. For example, if you want to have a Hadoop cluster on which you would run MapReduce jobs, you will find EC2 a perfect fit, which is IaaS. On the other hand if you have some application, written in some language, and you want to deploy it over the cloud, you would choose something like Heroku, which is an example of PaaS.


2014年5月7日 星期三

[Seminar] Music Recommendation Based on multiple Contextual Similarity Information-蔡銘峰教授

        這次講座的主題跟我目前修習的NLP課程很像,利用context-based content-based等不同方法來找尋出想要的資料。我們將這些數以萬計的使用者所聆聽過的音樂建立成一個個的表格,再將這些資料經過matrix factorization產生出關聯性,才能最為推薦相關音樂的參考依據。而推薦的標準當然不是只有音樂,還有包括使用者的年齡、背景或是他撰寫過的文章中出現過的詞語等等都會是很好的參考來源。雖然我對於machine learning 不是了解,但我知道他在解決這些問題上會是好的利器,我應該者時間來研究一番。